MasterMind Groups were conceived in a time when women were expected to remain barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen.
Napoleon Hill, the man behind the idea, might be either celebrating or rolling in his grave, knowing that women are finally rising and celebrating his genius—on our own terms.
Women process and grow differently, especially because we’ve been underestimated—even by each other. Driven Women Assemblies are designed to honor our organic growth.
Unlike the traditional linear approach, our structure embraces the non-linear nature of how we, as women, think, feel, and navigate the world.
We face societal nonsense built by a man’s world.
Let’s be clear: men matter too, but it’s women who will guide us out of the warring situations we find ourselves in today.
Inspired by Napoleon’s framework, I’ve transformed it into an organic process that allows women to pause, stumble, grow here and over there, revisit what was forgotten, and multitask through it all.
Women are natural multitaskers—something men aren’t. Just ask any man to change diapers, clean the toilet, feed the baby, make money, cook even one meal a day, and still have energy left for himself, let alone for you.
Women do all of that without batting an eye.
Our Assembly structure celebrates our female uniqueness—non-linear, dynamic, and powerful!
When you see our tracking document, you’ll immediately recognize the woman-centered design.
Believe it, woman—this is made for you!