When we watch an artist create out of thin air, we think, “I can not do that!”
Truth? We all are Artists, in our own vibrational expression that is Me.
Think of the Mother who raised children all by herself, even when she had a husband.
Think about the child who was born into poverty and lived to be a beacon of hope and prosperity.
Think about a moment in your own life where you felt seen, acknowledged, worthy of taking-up space and honored for doing so … there you are!

If I believe that something—anything—can be “perfect”, how will I ever let myself off the hook in my race to be perfect and how will I ever allow myself to Connect, to tap my own Connection to anything, everything—every one? Every time I punish myself for being imperfect, my insulating wall goes one step further to impermeable.
Perfection is an elusive state of Being because it simply does not exist in Human form, regardless of religiosity or other man-made tenets.
So. What if we proceed towards perceived perfection as imperfectly perfect, prone to moments of blissful Self-expression and ridiculously funny interruptions of whoopsie~mis-step! How does that change every dynamic, every interpretation, every self-flagellation in our daily lives? Hmmmmm …. *GRIN*
Ladies, if you are asking yourself, “how can I be better?” we are here to remind you that you already are “better” ~ imperfectly perfect You ♥
Humans who make time, the limited quantity where Quality erupts, to consider profound questions—often without answers—are transforming into magnets who will unite Humans to change our Societies from selfish, money-grubbing, over-Lords into Peaceful Equity For All, Managed and Influenced by Self-Actualizing, Accountable Individuals who absolutely Know that WE MUST COME TOGETHER in all our imperfections and always in a delicate balance of Honoring Self while Serving one another!
When Equity is a no-brainer, we all have this baseline measure of Life Security: Food, Shelter, Contribution … that is the equilibrium where Humans will experience calm ~ flow. Connection. Shared Intention. Combined Resources. Peace. Our innate ability to Agree-to-Disagree while finding common-ground.
That felt good, right? *grin* I re-read it twice! Ahhhhhhhhh … we’re not there yet, Ladies but we are certainly navigating in that very direction. Your Participation will facilitate the expediency of our arrival.
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