For as long as I can remember, I’ve been the one to take on everything.
You too? 😮
The role of the caregiver, the advocate, the problem-solver, the fixer, Ginga-da-Ninja ~ that was my M.O.
It felt natural—after all, who better than me to take charge when things got tough?
I was born to DNA/Family that had zero control, humans who sought to control each other, rather than be in control.
Naturally? I stepped-in to the Role of Controller, Knower, and Fixer! ~ always seeking Truth to make our Humanity better.
But very recently, I realized something important: this all-encompassing role wasn’t just a gift I was giving to others—it is a gift I can give to me.
My Roomie, someone I care about deeply, is going through a significant medical situation.
I felt the pull, the need to jump in and be the healer, the one to take control.
But something shifted inside me.
I paused.
I asked myself, What would happen if I stepped back and let others show up for him?
At first, the thought of stepping back was terrifying, like I was failing him and me.
What if things went wrong?
What if he needed me and I wasn’t there?
But the more I sat with the idea if my actual role in both our lives, the more I realized that stepping back didn’t mean withholding love—it meant giving space for others to step in, to offer their care and support.
And, Kapow … his humans stepped in—like magic 💕
My choice meant trusting me, the process, trusting that his other humans—his family, his friends—would show up in ways that I couldn’t, that I didn’t have to do it all.
Guess what?
It is working.
Not only is he receiving the care he needs from those who love him, but I witnessed something incredible:
His friends and family love him even more dearly because I chose to step back, keep my crazy Ego checked and bringing love and support as his Roomie.
His loved-ones had the space to show up more fully, to contribute in their own ways, to offer support that was uniquely theirs.
And in that, I saw that sometimes, the greatest gift we can give to others is simply allowing them to love and care for someone in their own way.
It wasn’t easy and I am still challenged to keep myself in-check, but it was and is worth it!
By stepping back, I realized that my value wasn’t in what I could do for others, but in simply being there for them.
I didn’t need to take on every role to prove my worth.
And neither do you.
This journey has taught me a valuable lesson about boundaries.
Setting boundaries isn’t about withholding love—it’s about creating space where love can flow freely, allowing everyone the opportunity to give, receive, and grow.
I invite you, dear reader, to embrace your own journey of self-care and self-trust.
It’s okay to step back when the urge to save others feels overwhelming.
It’s okay to let others take up the space you’ve been filling.
In fact, it’s necessary.
Because when we allow ourselves to release the pressure to do it all, we open up a deeper, more authentic kind of connection with the people around us.
You don’t have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders.
You are enough, just as you are.
And when you trust yourself to be you, when you allow others to rise up and love, support, and contribute in their own way, the entire world shifts—starting with you.
I See You ♥